SQL Query
SELECT m0.aid AS aid, CONCAT(m0.rid, ' ', m1.rid) AS rid, CONCAT(m0.bid, ' ', m1.bid) AS bid, CONCAT(m0.qnt, ' ', m1.qnt) AS qnt FROM meme m0 JOIN meme m1 ON m0.bid=m1.aid WHERE m0.qnt!=0 AND m0.rid="child" AND m1.rid="president_order" AND m1.qnt!=0;
Memelang SQL Demo
This is demonstration of translating Memelang to SQL for querying relational databases. See the PHP code in GitHub. A Python version is coming soon. Example queries:
Show all data in this DB.
All about George Washington.
Who were children of the presidents?
Which presidents were members of the Whig party?
Which presidents attended Harvard?
Which presidents were born before 1820?
Which presidents attended Columbia and were lawyers?
.college:columbia .lawyer
Who were the twentieth through thirtieth presidents?
.president_order>=20 .president_order<=30
Which presidents attended a college that was not Harvard?
.college .college:harvard=f
Which presidents did not have children?
.president_order .child=f
Who were the spouses of the twentieth through thirtieth presidents?
.president_order>=20 .president_order<=30 .spouse
Use qry.all to return all memes related to the matching As.
.college:harvard .college:columbia qry.all
Get all about James Carter as well as Ronald Reagan.
james_carter; ronald_reagan
Which presidents were lawyers that attended Harvard or William and Mary?
.lawyer .college:harvard=t1 .college:william_and_mary=t1
What were the professions of the presidents?
Which presidents has children that became presidents?