SQL Query |
SELECT * FROM meme m0 WHERE m0.aid='james_carter' AND m0.qnt!=0 UNION ALL SELECT * FROM meme m0 WHERE m0.aid='ronald_reagan' AND m0.qnt!=0; |
Memelang SQL Demo |
This is demonstration of translating Memelang to SQL for querying relational databases. See the PHP code in GitHub. A Python version is coming soon. Example queries: |
Show all data in this DB. |
qry.all |
All about George Washington. |
george_washington |
Who were children of the presidents? |
.child |
Which presidents were members of the Whig party? |
.party:whig |
Which presidents attended Harvard? |
.college:harvard |
Which presidents were born before 1820? |
.birth.year:ad<1820 |
Which presidents attended Columbia and were lawyers? |
.college:columbia .lawyer |
Who were the twentieth through thirtieth presidents? |
.president_order>=20 .president_order<=30 |
Which presidents attended a college that was not Harvard? |
.college .college:harvard=f |
Which presidents did not have children? |
.president_order .child=f |
Who were the spouses of the twentieth through thirtieth presidents? |
.president_order>=20 .president_order<=30 .spouse |
Use qry.all to return all memes related to the matching As. |
.college:harvard .college:columbia qry.all |
Get all about James Carter as well as Ronald Reagan. |
james_carter; ronald_reagan |
Which presidents were lawyers that attended Harvard or William and Mary? |
.lawyer .college:harvard=t1 .college:william_and_mary=t1 |
What were the professions of the presidents? |
?profession |
Which presidents has children that became presidents? |
.child.president_order |